Strength really is the foundation for everything else you do. The stronger you are the more muscle mass you can put on and the more powerful you can potential become. The problem is most people don’t know how to do it the RIGHT way and they experience set back, plateaus, and even injuries.
This seminar is really going to focus on the best methods for getting YOU STRONGER. It’s the Ultimate Powerlifitng digital DVD. This seminar is going to show you how to make you a stronger person whether you are an athlete, a weekend warrior or a competitive lifter looking for that special EDGE!
Learning more and educating yourself is what separates those who experience GREAT success vs those who only experience mediocre success.
Learning powerful STRENGTH training techniques and methods to give you the upper hand over the competition is what this seminar is going to be all about.
In a nut shell…. I’m 100% committed to YOUR success.
If you’re as committed as I am to achieving success and getting STRONGER, then this seminar is for YOU.
And, if you’re wondering why you should listen to me, here’s a quick bio before I tell you what you’ll get with the Gaglione Strength Ultimate Powerlifting Digital DVD
John Gaglione is a strength coach out of Long Island, New York. John trains a wide variety of athletes at his facility located in Farmingdale New York. He specializes improving maximal strength for all athletes and “average joes”.
He currently leads a powerlifting team of over 40 members. At the time of this writing he has helped 50 lifters achieve national ranking in their division.
John has also written many strength and conditioning articles for major online publications such as Elite Fitness Systems, Testosterone Nation, One Result, and Men’s Health.
An avid strength athlete John also has a lot of “under the bar experience” and has competed in the sport of powerlifting for over a decade. His best competition equipped lifts are a 900 squat, 575 Bench, and a 640 Deadlift.
So what exactly are you going to get if you follow these techniques and training methods?
With these proven methods you will achieve greater…
Inside the Ultimate Powerlifting Digital seminar DVD you’ll learn…
Why should you trust me?
I will let our results do the talking. Besides having nearly a decade of competition and coaching experience the success of my team speaks for itself. Everyone from the average to elite has achieved PRs with us. Meet some of our most successful team members below. They once started out JUST LIKE YOU! Nearly all of these lifters below came in without a nationally ranking.
Mark Greenstein nationally ranked 1900 total at 220 and world ranked 1825 total at 198
Mark came to our gym as a crossfitter with a 495 squat and 550 deadlift. Now he has a 1900 total at 220 and is currently ranked in the top ten ALL TIME in the 198 class with an 1825 raw total. That’s top ten in the history of the sport and in the world! His 1825 total is one of the best total pound for pound in the country by formula!
If you don’t get anything out of this, please email me at [email protected] and I will get you your refund 100% guaranteed, no questions asked.
No ifs, ands, or buts about it. Email me and I will take care of you. That is how confident I am in and the teachings your going to learn in this exclusive footage.
Yours Today For Just: $27